We are a family oriented club which promotes safe and sensible four wheel driving and the enjoyment of our natural environment.
We welcome all brands of 4WD’s however Mitsubishi Pajero’s are driven by the majority of members. Other members drive Toyota Landcriusers, Nissan Patrols or Landrovers. As we mostly drive larger 4WDs with dual range, the majority of our trips aren’t suited to “soft roaders” as low range 4WD is considered necessary.
We are affiliated with the Australian Recreational Motorists Association (ARMA) whose aim is "To represent the recreational rights of public land users on public lands to ensure these lands can be appreciated, preserved and conserved for all users to enjoy responsibly."
Each month we try to conduct a day trip close to Perth as well as having many weekend and longer trips. Typical day trips include Dwellingup, Wilbinga, Lancelin, Mundaring and Sawyers Valley. Weekend trips include Margaret River, Eastern Wheatbelt, Cervantes, Jurien etc. Longer trips conducted recently include the Kimberleys, Simpson Desert, Canning Stock Route, Karijini and the Goldfields.
Our club does volunteer environmental work with the Department of Conservation and Land Management, particularly in the Wungong National Park in Byford.
Our meetings are held at 7.30pm on the first Wednesday of each month (except January) at the Manning Senior Citizens Centre located at 3 Downey Drive, Manning. You will find a map here.
Prior to applying for full membership (and paying fees) you should attend a club meeting where you have the opportunity to register for Temporary Membership which is Free and lasts for a period of three months. This gives you a chance to see if our club suits you as well as giving us a chance to get to know you. You must register as a Temporary Member to attend a Club Trip. You must have a licensed 4WD vehicle with low-range gearing. Temporary Members are not allowed to attend events with a trip rating of 4 or 5, events that are longer than 3 nights, club training days, and remote or extended trips. Attendance on all Trips is at the discretion of the Trip Leader.
If you intend coming to a meeting please contact our Membership Officer so we can keep an eye out for you.
Please feel free to contact our Membership Officer for further information.